Friday, October 15, 2010

Something To believe In

     Hear Me,Hear Me

Are you like me :Wanting to provide for your family all the
things YOU never had, to spend more quality time with them, to help others like yourself grow & prosper.
Has this happened to you or someone you know,
You were lied to. You were “Mislead”.  You got thrown in the Mix, untrained, unprepared. Your checking account was drained. Your credit cards were maxed out. Friends & relatives screened your phone calls.
Have you looked in the mirror and called yourself, “Loser!”
   I know, I know.
It has started because you want the same things I wanted.
You want to be your own boss, answer to no one … and earn a good living doing it. You want to go where you want, when you want. You want to spend $200 on dinner without batting an eye.
You want precious time NOW with those you love. You want the money & freedom to take a day off – or 2 weeks off – and maybe fly to some faraway island on a whim. 
   Can you share your work and socialize with people you like & admire, who has the same outlook on life and your goals. You want the self-satisfaction of achieving your goals, and the self-fulfillment of helping others reach theirs. You want financial freedom.

The plan is NOT easy. But it’s simple. Its NOT “I’ll do all the work FOR you.”
   It only works if YOU do. But you can create a lifetime residual income.
What’s in it for me, you ask? That answer is helping you helps me. It’s part of my giving back to this great plan.
I wish you the absolute best, and I hope you use this information. It could change your life.
Are you game? Then read on!

Our Training Results

TRUE support is to take you by the hand and lead you through every step of this business, so you can actually experience it in real time and get good at it.
THAT is the way we designed our training and the tools, phone calls are a added bonus to help in our success
I don’t do ANYTHING in life that isn’t fun. Whatever I do, it’s because I love it.
So I do what I can to balance the scales. I choose to support with every
fiber of my body ANYONE who invests their hopes & dreams & life into
this company. It makes my day to help keep their dreams alive.
  I am not threatened by anyone or any company in this industry. More info, CLICK HERE
Truth: People are people - not numbers. They have goals, dreams and desires.
They are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, grandmothers, and grandfather's to someone that loves them. They are not a number, but real people.
  If you treat them like a number, I promise you: you have NO future in
in this business.
This lie teaches people to be a recruiter, not a sponsor. Recruit, recruit, recruit.
Numbers, numbers, numbers. Lies, lies, lies. A recruiter never knows their personally sponsored people's "WHY." Or their dreams, goals, or spouse's or children's names. It's only about numbers.
To succeed long-term, you need to become a mentor with a servant's heart. When you do, people will ask you to PLEASE sponsor them into your business.
Ever wonder why you get so many "NO"s? Take a look at this
  Go get 100 “NO’s”, they say. You're just getting closer to a "YES."
The word "NO" has taken more good people out of this industry that any other word in the English language.
   Picture this: all day long you've been flirting with your spouse. At night you take a bath, candles around the tub, soft music, perfect for romance.. And your spouse says "NO!"
GREAT! Just 99 more "NO"s and you'll get lucky!
And some nitwit says NO is a good thing.
   Have you ever noticed how we're always looking for the right money-making opportunity or the next big business trend? Then when you think you've found the right thing, it's usually too expensive, or too risky, or too much work.

I've finally found a financial opportunity with all the benefits, but without the risk and expense. Big upside, very little downside. I really want you to know about it, because we want to help with the
ever increasing needs of making the right decisions,company support and guidance.  

   Provide you with answers to your problems,

It's very brief, but it does a really good job of explaining the concepts and principles behind this opportunity I've found. CLICK HERE

After you've had a chance to watch it, I'd love to get together and chat about the business. I value your opinion, and want to know what you really think about it.

My friends, thanks in advance for your time. I look forward to speaking with you soon.